Godly (Divine) Love
“Godly Love” is a spiritual group that seeks to spread a message of reconciliation between Jews and Christians God-believers, based on the fact that we are all sons of one God who loves all equally. The basic principle of the group is that the main feature of God is universal love and the emphasis (as far as it is concerned) should not focus on the existence of external commandments to “please” God, but mainly in the observance of the commandment of godly LOVE.
The members of the group believe in the one God of the Bible, the Creator of the world who created everything out of love and directs mankind to rise from the state of the materialistic person imprisoned in “earthly matters” and in his sins/weaknesses, to the level of a spiritual man connected with God. It will gradually bring about a fundamental change of our vicinity and of the whole world, towards a new world, a “divine kingdom” of love.
A key concept of the members of the group, is that God is NOT the source of evil in the world (and not the source of disasters, illnesses and deaths); on the contrary, moving away from God, is what has brought our world to the present state with the dominance of evil. Moreover, it is humans (after their spiritual “fall”) who bring to themselves (and to all mankind) the great decrees of our day by giving authority to evil power (to “the devil”) to interfere with our lives and with the entire world.
It is in our hand to take back this authority that we have transfered to the devil, through love and faith. We believe that through the faith that works in love, and in prayer, great miracles can be performed, such as curing illnesses and helping and solving every problem.
Aims of the group
To fight against the ‘’bad inside’’ us, against our bad side and try to turn ourselves into more tolerant, more peaceful, more “pure” persons, to become spiritual and above all, to empower our ability to love.
To “purge” the name of God who has paradoxically become the source of conflicts on religious grounds today, due of the false perception of God. People think that God “adores” only a certain group of people as opposed to others, and plans to kill the enemies of the “preferred group”, or “eliminate” all those who are “sinners” according to their view.
To work through the Holy Bible, for peace and unity among all believers as well as the considered "secular" people who come from different religious backgrounds, understanding that we are all children of the same God who loves us.
The group intends to spread these messages through lectures and gatherings aimed at bringing peoples’ hearts closer to each other (Unity of God-believers) and changing the false concepts about God. In these meetings, we study from the Holy Scriptures (the Bible and the New Testament) in a more liberal way (and wider view) without necessarily depending on the classical religious interpretations, in order to understand God’s purposes and what he is asking from us, always emphasizing God’s universal love.
To hold groups of prayer with the aim of helping to solve people’s problems and the broader problems of the world and for the sake of correcting the entire world and bringing about the “divine kingdom” of Godly love.
To help those in need and our society through social volunteering.
To fight against the evil part inside us and try to transform ourselves to become spiritual persons, more tolerant, more peaceful, more “pure”, and above all, to increase our ability to love.
To help those in need around us, through social volunteering.
The group plans to distribute videos and lectures on these topics over the Internet.