The main feature of all the holy books (in the Bible and in the New Testament) is the great promises of God to people and to the whole world. It is basically the element that has maintained the faith and hope of the people for a change of order for thousands of years until today
God’s promises began in heaven where God watches people who will have sovereignty and power over the whole earth and will fall after their fall into sin, that the time will come and Christ will release mankind from the power of evil ( the “weed”, the “devil”) and will bring people back to heaven where they will taste the fruits of the tree of life and not die.
God continues to promise that He will not destroy the earth again (as He did with the flood), that He will give sons as stars to Abraham, and that He will “build” a people of faith (Israel), that He will bring His people behind exile to freedom and to the land of the promise that he would strengthen his faithful with forces so that they could defeat their enemies and that he would bring the Messiah.
Many of these promises have already been fulfilled, including the great miracle of the return of the people of Israel from exile and the establishment of their state, but some of them remain unfulfilled.
A key element in all of God’s connection with people in the scriptures is faith and trust in God’s promises beyond human reason! All the important events that happen in the Old and New Testament, happen not only in a miraculous way but also in a way contrary to the ΄΄logical΄΄ and against all possibilities!
The small always defeats the big in a miraculous and irrational way. David defeats Goliath, the people of Israel defeat all its mighty nations. Moses, instead of dying at birth, enters the house and family of Pharaoh and becomes a great leader, both in Egypt and his people despite his weakness in speech!
David, a humble shepherd becomes the greatest king in Jerusalem.The Messiah himself needs to be imprisoned, tortured, suffered and even died to be resurrected ! etc., etc. Every birth of an important man happens miraculously and contrary to logic.
Most of the important women in the Bible were infertile or without organic ability to give birth – i.e. Sarah – reaching the even more extreme example of the birth of Jesus without even physical contact! (Birth by a virgin!).
All miracles also happen in a completely absurd way: the crippled walk, prophets face countless enemies and defeat them, born blind who regain sight, dead people are resurrected … The important events in the scriptures also happen in a way contrary to any logic (separation of waters of the Red Sea, forty years of wandering in the desert, rain of manna, etc.)
Why, in fact, could not God have made simpler and “smoother” stories without all this absurdity? Why did he let people suffer for years until he gave them promises?
The explanation is only one: to increase the spirituality of people, to teach them the path of hope and faith against all expectations and against all possibilities, to teach them to abandon their “I” and ego and to completely change the their consciousness and the “rational” way of thinking and to follow in their life the path of the “improbable”, beyond the logic, the path of the spiritual “madness” of faith and the abolition of the “I”.
The four great promises of God that remain unfulfilled to this day:
1. Elimination of sin and evil from all over the world
2. Overthrowing the current world order and establishing the sovereignty of love (Kingdom of God and Christ)
3. End of bodily decay and death (spiritual and physical salvation)
4. Resurrection of the dead
At the heart of the unfulfilled promises is the promise of a fundamental change in the world and the introduction of a new spiritual rule (“Kingdom of God”) into the world, free from suffering, sickness, or death.
But what exactly is the kingdom of God? Is it a garden with beautiful flowers like in the Hollywood movies? A special place high in the clouds in the sky? A place with lots of virgins and plenty of food? A kingdom where the “chosen” people of God will be the dictators of others or where a strong and wise king will rule?
No! None of this. The kingdom of God, as Jesus explained, is first and foremost within us! That is, change to achieve it is not through a physical uprising or an external war, but through an internal war. Ιn revolution in the way we think and the way you see what is happening in the world! The tools for this revolution are not demonstrations or knives or weapons, but spiritual tools!
Today’s world is dominated by fear, sadness, disease, suffering and death, lack of goals, materialism and a failed attempt to achieve happiness only with temporary pleasures. Thus, the main tools for a revolution in the present and given situation (status quo) of the world are internal, spiritual and religious.
We need to rebel against the current situation, let go of what we see happening around us (and what they are selling us,) and start thinking differently! Stop compromising and start wondering about the necessity of pain, decay, death and wars between people.
Classical religions and religious ideas, to date, are quite frustrating and in fact only support the continuation of the current situation because they neutralize the spiritual abilities of the individual and turn him into just a “puppet” receiving instructions from the religious leadership. Classical religiosity teaches man to compromise.
This exists, you will learn to accept it and be grateful, to say that everything comes “from above” and you do not know why and we will never know.
The revolution must be made by changing this way of thinking, by activating the mechanisms of faith that can transcend all logics and laws,by activating the power of prayer that can change everything and stop the spiritual compromise!
Believing in our spiritual powers have a purpose contrary to what our religions teach, “Who are you to want great things or to ask God for accountability”? …
We must stop believing in religious propaganda that there are selected people who have an “open credit limit” in paradise, and understand that God is only love and from his love flows his compassion and grace and so we can receive everything in as a donation from Him and not as a reward for our actions and orders.
We must change our consciousness in the direction of love without discrimination and towards each person. We must understand that we all, as human beings, have a common enemy, evil, the devil of the world. If we unite and use spiritual tools and prayer together, we can together, and with God’s help (given to us for free), change this world order!
And what is the role of Jesus and why is his centrality emphasized in all these processes?
Definitely not to “register us as a member of the Association of the Believers of Jesus” or to send us to a charity Christian mission! Ultimately, modern Christianity, for the most part, has entered into the same confusion of religions with infinite commandments, from an updated version of Judaism.
The centrality of Jesus when it comes to changing the order of the world and the revolution to direct the kingdom of God, stems from his doctrine and activity!
Jesus did not come to establish another religion or to make a religious reform!
! He came to show how we can reconnect with God as His beloved sons, how we can overcome pain and death, and how we can become young, spiritual people, be born again, and begin to learn and use our mighty powers and our real potential. To take back the rights that were given to us in the creation of the world and we lost them due to sin, and by giving power to the devil.
Jesus came to free us from our “debts” to God, our duties and to restore our relationship with him.
It also comes to show who the true face of God is .Billions of people believe in one God, but do not really know and disagree about who he is and what his characteristics are!.
He came to show that God is only love, a love of self-sacrifice for the sake of others. He came to unite all people and all nations, without discrimination!
He came to establish, first within us and later or in parallel, in the whole world the kingdom of love, here and now!
So what are the characteristics of such a “new spiritual path”?
1. Spiritual Purification: With the help of the laws of the ‘’spiritual man’’.
2. Do not focus on the letter of the law of the Bible but on its spirit! (“Traps” in the Scriptures).
3. Discrimination of the “voice” of God from the harshest “voice” of the angels, in the Scriptures.
4. The way and spiritual purification of Jesus lead to annihilation and victory / cancellation of death!
5. Unification of the whole world through the messages and the gospel of Jesus regardless of the classical Christian religion!
6. Love for all, without separations
7. Removal of the wall of enmity between God and man and between all men
8. Spiritual warfare with one or more different types of spiritual fights: a. Internal fight for purification, b. Dissemination of the message, c. Prayer.
9. An honest and continuous struggle to change our consciousness and way of thinking and to “overturn” the present world and the current situation and to create a new “world government”, based on love (kingdom of god).
How can God’s unfulfilled promises be fulfilled today and God’s kingdom established?
1. Learn and develop the “secret”, inner prayer (not just the classic standard prayers of religion)!
2. Insist on dreaming, believing and asking daily for the change of the world and the coming of the kingdom of God’s love.
3. Change your consciousness for the character of God! And understand that God is love and that he is a loving father to all people!
4. To fight within ourselves for inner / spiritual self-purification and to build a renewed consciousness, a consciousness of no sin, as a result of Christ’s grace, as opposed to the classic consciousness of “misery” and fortune to God.
5. Stop judging others completely and focus on spiritual unity!
Challenge the eternal rule of death in the world and believe in the idea of life without death.
7. Believe that each of us can take an active part in God’s plans to change the world and become the “founder” of the kingdom of love.
8. Take back your sovereign spiritual rights, spiritual powers and gifts and the expression of the Holy Spirit within you. Believe that miracles are not only the prerogative of the spiritual leaders of the past, nor beautiful tales, but things that we can all experience and apply here and now!